Our Leadership Day

A little while ago, the Year 6s at my school came together to learn about leadership and teamwork. We had to complete three team building activities. It was amazing to see who would work hard for their team, who would strategise, and who would lead. My favourite challenge was the physical challenge, and not just because my team won.


I usually don’t enjoy anything physical, but this challenge wasn’t just physical. For the challenge, more than half of our team had to plank at a time. If we went too low for just a second, we were out. Before the challenge, I said that we should have seven planking at once instead of six, and we won because of it. Our team was structured perfectly for the challenge.


Another challenge that I enjoyed was the cup stacking challenge. We had to make the tallest cup tower with six cups, string, rubber bands, and scissors. But the catch was, you couldn’t touch the cups with your hands or the scissors. We used the string and the rubber bands to guard our hands from the cups.

Overall, I loved the day. I thought that it was very well put together, and that it was a great way to see peers differently. I had a lot of fun with my team, and learned a lot about them. I am looking forward to being in the lime green team again next term.


What are your experiences with leadership?